When it comes to finding an ADA certified wheelchair porch lift, Chapel Hill, NC residents can turn to Orthopedic Service Company. We’re proud to offer a wide range of different lifts, including porch lifts and more, as well as other assistive and accessibility devices. Let us help you make your home a more inviting atmosphere for everyone!
For those in Chapel Hill, NC ADA certified wheelchair porch lift options are abundant. And, don’t let the name fool you! While porch lifts definitely can be used to help users get up onto a porch, patio, or deck, they have several other functionalities as well. Many porch lifts, for example, are used to help people get up and down stairs with ease.
Porch lifts can be used indoors or outdoors. There are even hybrid lifts that can work both indoors and outdoors. If you’re not sure exactly what type of lift you need or where you should place it for optimal use, let us help! We offer free in-home assessments to match our customers with just the right lifts.
One worry people have about porch lift options is that they will take up too much space. People imagine these lifts as big, bulky, and obtrusive. In reality, though, not all porch lifts are very large. And, even better yet, most of them fold up and out of the way when not in use, which means they’re barely noticeable.
Still not sure if you have the space? Don’t worry! We can take measurements of the area where you’d like to place the lift and then show you options that will fit in that space without being obtrusive.
Finally, you should know that a wheelchair porch lift is designed for safety. Many of these lifts, for example, have emergency sensors that force them to stop if anything enters the path of the lift. This helps to keep both the users and others, such as small children and pets, free from harm.
Porch lifts also do not require the user to be transferred out of their chair or assistive device. And, since transfers are a common source of accidents and injuries, it’s nice to eliminate this step.
Porch lifts even use backup battery power. That way, if the main power source ever goes out, the user can still get safely to their destination and won’t be stuck on the lift. Every situation is taken into account in the design of porch lifts. That way, users and others remain safe.
As you can see, porch lifts are well-designed and can be a great addition to any home. And, it’s easier than ever to get the perfect lift with us on your side.
We invite you to contact us today to learn more about different porch lift options and to get started down the path to owning your very own lift.
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