Bath Grab Bars For Accessibility in Chapel Hill, NC

The bathtub and shower are two of the most dangerous places in the home due to slippery floors and limited space. This is especially true for seniors and people who are faced with mobility issues. Therefore, the installation of bathroom aids (such as bath grab bars) is necessary.

At Orthopedic Service Company, we offer an extensive variety of bath grab bars for accessibility in Chapel Hill, NC, with a free in-home evaluation and assessment, expert installation, and user instructions.

Bath Grab Bars to Guarantee Privacy and Safety

Bath grab bars are available in different models and styles, making it easier for those with limited mobility to stand in the shower or step in and out of the bathtub.

The installation of bath grab bars gives those with mobility impairments more freedom and safety to use the bathroom without assistance. This allows for maximum accessibility, and an overall improved quality of life.

At Orthopedic Service Company, we work in partnership with AccessNSM to provide heavy duty bath grab bars for Chapel Hill, NC customers.

Our catalogue features a full line of grab bars in different colors, styles and lengths, while our expert installation service follows optimal security standards that guarantee you and your loved ones total safety and satisfaction.


Contact Orthopedic Service Company Today 

Years of experience bringing greater independence and safety to the lives of our customers has helped us earn our trusted reputation. We are also known for our team of experts and their motivation to offer top customer service.

Contact Orthopedic Service Company today and let us guide you through the purchase of bath grab bars for accessibility in Chapel Hill, NC.